Recubre is a home fashion & tile store in Mexico that needed a facelift. They came to us to redesign the whole store and it's merchandise into 5 styles – Minimalist, Avantgarde, Vintage, Rustic and Classic. Items in the store were coded with symbols to help consumers easily put together coordinated rooms based on thier own personal style. The 'signo's' were like mini spirographs that were derived from the 5 shapes that make up the recubre logo. This logo was existing, and I wanted to make it more fashionable.
The idea of self expression through fashion seemed like the perfect parallel to bring into the interior design world. A room is like an outfit - you put together your favourite pieces to create a full expression of your own taste. This booklet was created as an extension of the store design to highlight and demonstrate those styles.
*Note: Photography and all work in this project was for concept purposes only and is here for the purposes of showcasing personal design work.
No part of this was published.
No part of this was published.
Concept created while at Watt International.