Michael-Angelo’s history is steeped in the celebration of culture and food. The specialty grocer engaged Watt with the desire to reconnect with its old world Italian traditions. Strong graphics characterized by an over-scaled persona in each department bring sincerity and a sense of authority to the department’s offerings, helping to elevate the consumer’s trust while driving the quality of the product. The design supports an experience based on commitment to authenticity, tradition and craftsmanship.
A.R.E. (Association of Retail Environments) Gold award - 2015
Applied Arts Gold Award - Environments – 2015
Credits: Watt International. Design: Lisa McCoy Creative Direction, Retail Design: Brian Bettencourt Design Implementation and Documentation: Paulis Ciskevicius Photography: Jodi Pudge, Photo Shoot art direction and project management, Redbox Creative.
Credits: Watt International. Design: Lisa McCoy Creative Direction, Retail Design: Brian Bettencourt Design Implementation and Documentation: Paulis Ciskevicius Photography: Jodi Pudge, Photo Shoot art direction and project management, Redbox Creative.